Joe Cortina is a foreign policy analyst, specializing in the Caribbean Basin, particularly Nicaragua and El Salvador. He has equivalent expertise as a disinformation specialist dealing with Soviet instigated "active measures" and "ideological subversion" in the United States of America. Active measures is a Soviet phrase used to describe overt and covert intelligence gathering techniques, designed to advance Moscow's foreign policy objectives and/or influence events in the USA and other foreign countries towards this end. The Kremlin sponsors these operations for the express purpose of influencing the policies and actions of our govt., to undermine public confidence in our leaders and institutions, to influence public opinion against selected military, economic and political programs, to disrupt relations between the US and our allies, and to demonstrate that the policies and goals of our country are detrimental to the growth of "third world" countries. Some of the techniques used include forged documents, written and oral disinformation, agents of influence (e.g. Vladimir Posner), political influence operations (eg. 'marches' on Washington), use of communist parties (e.g. CPUSA), and an international network of Soviet controlled and or assisted front groups (eg. CISPES). Joe joins Mark Dankof to discuss his observations on the Zionist State of Israel, gleaned from much research and a trip to Israel in 1989.